Friday, December 3, 2010

Morning Television

I was cursed with watching The Regis and Kelly wig-a-thon  I don’t know what they are actually calling it- but, I can only take so much of it. I actually just googled it – apparently they’ve been doing  ‘Wig Out’ for a while. Oddly enough, if you google image search all you get is this gem, very Little House on the Prairie, but the one with Regis and Kelly is pretty demonstrative of what my morning horror was-even though its of their High School Musical Halloween costumes
Aside from this my morning tell vision experience was, over all a good experience, despite my unsuccessful attempts to find real news. I got stuck on America’s funniest home videos -who can resist a baby in a toilet? I especially liked the bird attack series; it really brought me back to my childhood. My babysitter used to take us to feed the ducks and killer geese when we refused to watch any more television, and I fell victim to the vicious beasts. I don’t have footage of that fateful day, unfortunately. I even tried to google “goose attack”, “baby AND geese”, and “when geese attack”, but I couldn’t any replacement goose/geese attack videos.  My sister can tell you I have a knack, or at least a passion, for interesting searches.

This week I also got yet another rejection for a job a applied to, that I actually was qualified for.  Obviously, I have gotten pretty tired of the rejections and I have vowed numerous time to get rich and buy the companies I was rejected from, which would result in a pretty interesting and dynamic acquisition. If that happens, I plan on giving a speech just like this one, so they are as confused and potentially miffed as I am that stupid person has a job and I don’t.

Braided Wigs images from Boston Herald

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